Our Business Practices

We adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct. We believe that accountability, transparency and good decision-making support our business, serve our customers and create value for our shareholders.

Whistleblower Policy and the Integrity Hotline

Customers who have concerns regarding their own personal accounts can contact Discover's Customer Advocacy Group at 800-983-1265 or visit www.discover.com. Please note that any account servicing question directed to the Discover Whistleblower Program or the Integrity Hotline provided below may be sent to the Customer Advocacy Group for handling.

As part of its commitment to having a strong culture of ethical behavior and speaking up, Discover Financial Services and its Subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Company”) have established a Whistleblower Policy in order to encourage and protect individuals who report Concerns in Good Faith of any violation or suspected potential violation of law, regulation, Company code or policy, or other unethical or improper conduct by another employee, consumer, consultant, supplier, or Third Party relating to the Company.

The Policy covers, but is not limited to, violation, suspected or threatened violation of or involving:

  • Accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing policies, procedures, or other requirements;
  • Any applicable law or regulation;
  • Retaliation protections
  • Money laundering or terrorist financing or financing clients who violate human rights;
  • Market manipulation or any other type of federal securities laws;
  • Insider trading, theft, fraud, bribery or corruption;
  • Breach of client confidentiality or privacy; or
  • Any Company policy or code, including unethical business practices, conflicts of interest, or improper conduct (e.g., discrimination).

The Whistleblower Policy defines multiple channels that can be used by individuals wishing to submit a report, including the Integrity Hotline (see below).


The protections established by this Whistleblower Policy apply to all current, former, or prospective employees, contractors, candidates, or customers of the Company who report or raise a Concern in Good Faith.


The Company strictly prohibits intimidation or retaliation, in any form, against anyone for participating in or assisting with an investigation or reporting a Concern in Good Faith. Any person who has concerns about or is aware of possible retaliatory action should report it.


Whenever an Ethical Concern is submitted anonymously, the Company will not try to breach that anonymity. An anonymous channel for reporting must always be available.


The Company will treat seriously all Concerns raised in Good Faith, and seek to manage them sensitively and confidentiality. However, there may be occasions when details need to be shared, for example, where there is a risk of harm to you or others, where we need to do so to for legal or regulatory reasons, or to investigate a Concern. The identity of a Whistleblower will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible.

The Integrity Hotline

The Company has established the Integrity Hotline to provide Company Personnel and others (including vendors, consumers, or customers) with another dedicated channel which can be used to report Ethical Concerns. You may make a report to the Integrity Hotline on an anonymous basis. Individuals using the Integrity Hotline may elect to provide their identity, at their sole discretion.

The report may be made anonymously and confidentially (where allowed by local laws). The telephone number to report such concerns is 1-866-714-1305 or you can report your concern at discover.alertline.com (for region specific options, please see the chart below).

Access Number
Phone Number
Web Site
United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico
China, PRC-No. Region, Beijing & vicinity
China, PRC-So. Region, Shanghai & vicinity
Hong Kong (Hong Kong Telephone)
Hong Kong (New World Telephone)
United Kingdom (BT)

Note: In the United Kingdom, Company personnel may contact Protect (+44 (0) 203-117-2520) or via protect-advice.org.uk to obtain details regarding reporting to an external body.