As a student, managing your money can be challenging, especially if you're working part-time around a hectic class schedule or relying on student loans for your living costs. This can lead to an inconsistent flow of cash. A credit card can help you cover everyday costs while managing your budget. Getting approved for a regular credit card can be tough for a college student. This difficulty arises because most credit cards need applicants to already have a credit history—a track record of borrowing money and paying it back—which many college students don't have yet.
Fortunately, lenders understand that students may have a hard time getting credit and provide options to assist them. For instance, there are student credit cards designed specifically for students who don't have a credit history. Additionally, secured credit cards are another great option for students, offering an accessible way to start building credit. As long as the issuer reports your account activity to a credit bureau, both student and secured cards, like the Discover it® Student and Discover it® Secured Credit Cards, let you build your credit with responsible use.1