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What Is a FICO® Score vs. a Credit Score?

4 min read
Last Updated: December 17, 2024

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Key Takeaways

  1. FICO® Scores are a type of credit score, but not all credit scores are FICO® Scores.

  2. Checking your FICO® Score may be more beneficial, as 90% of top lenders use FICO® Credit Scores.1

  3. There are different versions of FICO® Credit Scores finetuned for different credit products (like home and car loans).

Whether you’d like to buy a house or apply for a credit card, your credit score may impact your borrowing options. But what exactly does that three-digit number mean, and what sets FICO® Scores apart from other credit scores?

According to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a credit score is a number (generally from 300 to 850) that quantifies the borrowing and repayment history documented in your credit report.


Credit scores range from poor to exceptional, and they change over time because of your credit activity. A credit card company may use your credit score to understand how likely you are to repay your credit. The CFPB also says a higher credit score may qualify you for a higher credit limit and better interest rates.

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FICO® Score is a brand of credit score generated by a specialized scoring model developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation. But not all credit scores are FICO® Scores.


You can have a different credit score from various credit modeling agencies (companies that create mathematical algorithms to calculate a specific brand of credit score). A lender may even have their own credit scoring model. However, FICO® Scores are the most widely used scores; 90% of top lenders use FICO® Credit Scores, including Discover.1

How are FICO® Credit Scores calculated vs. other credit scores?

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), credit scores get calculated using a credit scoring model. These models use an algorithm (a set of rules) to transform the information from a credit report into a credit score. The credit scoring models used to calculate your credit scores are based on information in your credit report at a credit bureau.

The FDIC goes on to state that credit scores can also differ based on which credit bureau a particular scoring model pulls data. The three major credit bureaus (or reporting agencies) combine your financial records (provided by your lenders) into your credit reports. Lenders don’t always report to all three credit bureaus, and reporting agencies may interpret the data they receive differently. That means your credit report from each credit bureau can vary and you’ll get multiple credit scores. According to FICO’s website, FICO provides unique scores based on reports from the three major credit bureaus.

FICO® Scores fall within five score ranges based on how good you are with credit:


  • Exceptional: 800 to 850
  • Very good: 740 to 799
  • Good: 670 to 739
  • Fair: 580 to 669
  • Poor: 579 or less

What information Does FICO® include in your credit score?

While credit scoring models differ, they use similar categories to organize your credit history. Each category weighs on your score with a percentage that may vary slightly based on the scoring agency. FICO uses the following factors to determine credit scores:

Your payment history includes timely, late, and missed payments across your credit accounts. When you consistently make payments on time it can help you stay on top of your credit score.

Your total amounts owed equal the sum of the balances of your credit accounts. Keeping your balances low can help a good credit score. You might see other credit scoring models call this your credit utilization ratio, a percentage of your total available credit in use.

The length of your credit history represents how long you’ve had your oldest open credit account. A longer record may instill more confidence in lenders than a shorter history because it shows you have more significant experience managing credit. If you’re new to credit, a secured credit card can help you build credit with responsible use.

This category represents your new credit inquiries or accounts. Several credit applications in a short time could make you appear too eager for credit and mark you as a credit risk.

Your credit mix refers to the different types of credit accounts you have, like a mortgage, credit cards, and other loans. A diverse credit mix shows you can manage various kinds of financial responsibilities.

Which credit score do lenders use?

Many companies claim to offer free credit scores. However, those credit scores sometimes differ from the one a lender will use to qualify you for credit.

While you can’t be sure of every lender’s preference, most major creditors look to FICO® Scores to determine eligibility for credit. One reason is that creditors can access industry specific scores—versions of your FICO® Score geared specifically toward their products. For example, a lender may look at a specific score for an auto loan and another for a mortgage. In fact, you can have many FICO® Scores.

Because so many financial institutions use FICO® Scores, it can pay to know yours. As a Discover cardmember, get your free Credit Scorecard with your FICO® Score and more.1

Your credit score impacts your borrowing options, from interest rates to loan amounts. Checking your credit score, especially your FICO® Score, can help you avoid surprises when securing a loan, or let you know you need to influence your score before applying for credit. Understanding the difference between your FICO® Score and other credit scores can help you identify the scores you’re checking and understand why you might have a different credit score from different sources.

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