If you’re planning to apply for a new credit card, you might want to look at your credit report first. Credit card companies, and other lenders, may consult your credit report to determine your likelihood to repay debts on time. By addressing any issues before you apply for a credit card, you may improve your eligibility and the interest rate you may be offered. If you’re unsure how to check your credit report, or simply wondering what a credit report is, read on to learn more.
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What Is a Credit Report?
Key Takeaways
Your credit report contains information about your credit history, including current and former accounts, debts, and inquiries.
It’s wise to address issues on your credit report as soon as you find them to avoid impact to your credit score.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, you're entitled to credit reports from each major credit reporting agency weekly.
What is a credit report?
According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a credit report is a document that contains information pertinent to your creditworthiness, like your credit accounts, mortgages, debt, and your payment history. Financial entities like banks and credit card companies report relevant information to credit bureaus, also known as credit reporting agencies, to develop credit reports. The three major credit reporting agencies are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.
Companies like the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) use credit scoring models to transform your credit reports into credit scores.1 Those scores range from poor to exceptional and give lenders an idea of your likelihood to repay loans at a given time (also called your credit risk).
What personal information is in a credit report?
Credit reports vary across the three bureaus because credit reporting agencies present their credit reports differently and may receive different data from lenders at different times. However, the information they each contain typically falls into the same categories:
Information that isn’t in your credit report
Only information related to your creditworthiness should show up on your credit report. Personal information that doesn't appear in your credit include your medical history, criminal background, race, ethnicity, marital status, income, or bank account information for checking or savings.
Why it’s important to have accurate information in your credit report
Your credit score not only helps determine what loans you qualify for, your credit limit, and your interest rates; it plays a role in most facets of your life. Phone plans, insurance policies, apartment or house rentals, internet service, and more may require credit inquiries. Some employers may even conduct a credit inquiry on you to make hiring decisions, according to information from the Federal Reserve. Inaccuracies on your credit report, therefore, may have serious consequences. Errors like duplicate accounts can increase your credit utilization and impact your credit score.
When you review your credit report, note any mistakes, changes, and information you don’t recognize. That way, you can take immediate action to address these issues with your creditors and the credit bureau and repair any damage.
How to read a credit report
All credit reports might look a little bit different. However, they all contain similar information and have comparable structures.
Identifying information
One section of your credit report contains your identifying information. Look closely and make sure your name, social security number, and address history don’t have any errors.
Credit accounts
Another section should contain all your loans and credit card accounts. A sparse or blank section usually means you don’t have any credit history. Otherwise, you could see plenty of information under each account, including the balance, monthly payment history, when you opened and closed it, and more. If you have a long credit history, it may be wise to comb through this section carefully.
Your credit card activity will appear in your credit report and may be an important part of determining your credit score. Your report will likely show the dates you opened and/or closed an account, your payment history, your balance, and more.
See if you’re pre-approved
With no harm to your credit score 2
Bankruptcies and collections
Bankruptcies and accounts in collections appear in their own section. You may not recognize the name of a collection agency that currently holds your credit account, especially if they recently purchased your debt. If you’re unsure, you can contact the collection agency to verify.
The final section lists everyone that has recently looked at your credit report. Inaccurate inquiries could indicate that someone has tried to open accounts under your name, so make sure you contact the credit bureau quickly if you see any inquiries that look wrong.
How to get a free credit report
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) states that under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, all Americans have a legal right to access a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. The three national credit reporting agencies have permanently extended their program that lets you check your credit report at each of the agencies once a week for free, according to the FTC. You can request each free weekly and annual credit report on AnnualCreditReport.com, and view them online after answering some security questions or have them mailed to you.
Your credit report gives businesses and creditors insight into your credit background before they make a credit decision. Whether you’re applying for a new credit card or working on improving your finances, it’s wise to check your credit report often. That way, you can avoid surprises, resolve inaccuracies, and improve your credit to get the best credit card for your unique circumstances.
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FICO® Credit Score Terms: FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Discover Financial Services and Fair Isaac are not credit repair organizations as defined under federal law or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Discover Financial Services and Fair Isaac do not provide “credit repair” services or assistance regarding “rebuilding” or “improving” your credit record, credit history or credit rating.
There is no hard inquiry to your credit report to check if you’re pre-approved. If you’re pre-approved, and you move forward with submitting an application for the credit card, it will result in a hard inquiry which may impact your credit score. Receiving a pre-approval offer does not guarantee approval. Applicants applying without a social security number are not eligible to receive pre-approval offers. Card applicants cannot be pre-approved for the NHL Discover Card.
Legal Disclaimer: This site is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional advice. The material on this site is not intended to provide legal, investment, or financial advice and does not indicate the availability of any Discover product or service. It does not guarantee that Discover offers or endorses a product or service. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a qualified professional.