A shiny blue Discover® it Credit Card lays on a wooden restaurant table in the sun.

Discover Credit Card Designs

2 min read
Last Updated: September 5, 2024

Table of contents

Key Takeaways

  1. Changing your credit card design won’t change the terms of your account, including your account number, standard purchase APR, and your rewards program.

  2. You can use the Discover Account Center to pick a new credit card design.

  3. When you request a new credit card design, your old card will remain active until the expiration date. You can use the old card until the expiration date, or call Discover to deactivate the card.

Are you looking for a new credit card design that's more customized to your personality? Do you need to quickly tell the difference between two cards in your wallet? Is it time to support your favorite sports team? You have choices.

Sometimes the best credit card for you is the one that brings a smile to your face when you make a purchase. Find out what credit card designs Discover Financial Services offers and how you can easily change the design of your card.

Credit card designs and how to get a new design

Any Discover® Cardmember can personalize the design of their card, whether you have a cash back card, student credit card, secured card, or a Miles card. Simply log into the Account Center and select a new design for yourself or anyone on your account.

Discover® credit card designs range from bold colors, vibrant florals, vintage pop culture, iridescences, and Pride themes.

There’s no application to fill out or financial information to provide. Best of all, changing your card design is free.

What are the numbers on the back of my Discover Card?

The design on the back of your Discover® Card consists of an area where you sign your name. You will also see three sets of numbers (see image below). These numbers are part of the technology that we employ to activate the card.


Discover uses your cardmember ID number to verify transactions made when the card is not present, such as internet or phone purchases. You’ll also need the cardmember ID number when registering for the Account Center.

What to do with your current card after requesting a new card design

Since your account number will not change, your current card will remain active until the expiration date. Continue using it until the expiration date shown on the card or call us at 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683) to deactivate the card. You do not need to return your current card to us. If you choose not to use your old card, please destroy it.

I changed my reward program, so why is my old credit card design still appearing on my account?

If you recently changed reward programs, the card designs associated with the old rewards program will continue to be active until the expiration date shown on the card. You can continue to use that card for purchases until it expires, and it will earn rewards towards the new rewards program.

Did you know?

Are you looking for a rewards program that gives you the most rewards for the way you spend? Find credit cards with Discover that reward you with cash back for gas, restaurants, or everyday purchases, miles for travel, and much more.

If I request a new credit card design, will my account number stay the same?

Yes. If you request a new card design, the terms of your agreement will remain the same, including your account number, interest rates, statement closing date, rewards program, and account center settings.

If you want a credit card design, log into your Discover account and find the design that fits you best.

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