Last updated: May 27, 2024

Mortgage Products

The home equity loan appraisal process

Young couple inspecting their home appraisal report from their home equity loan application

If you’re looking to harness the hidden value in your home to fund a home improvement project, consolidate debt, or cover an emergency expense, the financial tool you need could be at your front door. But first you need to find out how much equity you have in your home—which, in part, relies on getting your home appraised.

To get an idea beforehand, try this quick back-of-the-envelope calculation: (Your Home Value) - (Your Current Mortgage Balance) = Your Home Equity.

So, how quickly and easily can you turn your home equity into cash? One of the biggest holdups is often the appraisal for home equity loans. This fact may leave you wondering: do you need an appraisal for a home equity loan? And, maybe more importantly, are all home appraisals the same?

Does a home equity loan require an appraisal?

Yes. This is the case for home equity related financial products such as fixed rate home equity loans, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), and cash out refinances. Lenders require an appraisal for home equity loans to protect themselves from the risk of default. If a borrower can’t make monthly payments over the long-term, the lender wants to know it can recoup the cost of the loan.

An accurate appraisal protects borrowers too. An inflated appraisal value can leave you owing more than a home is worth, which may cause you to go underwater financially when it comes time to sell or renovate.

How appraisals impact your loan amount

The outcome of a home appraisal may directly impact the amount of equity you can borrow against it. If the appraised value of your home is high and your current mortgage balance is low, you may qualify for a larger amount. On the flip side, a lower-than-expected appraisal might limit your borrowing potential.

Factors that influence home appraisals

Several factors can sway the outcome of a home appraisal. The condition and age of your home, any recent renovations or upgrades, and the current real estate market conditions in your neighborhood all play a role. Being proactive about enhancing your home’s appearance and addressing any maintenance concerns may potentially boost its appraised value.

Tips for preparing for a home appraisal

Before your lender orders it, there are steps you can take to set the stage for a favorable appraisal. Consider tidying up your home inside and out, fixing anything in need of minor repairs, and highlighting recent improvements or renovations. These efforts may help showcase the true potential and value of your property, and may lead to a better appraisal outcome.

Discover Home Loans offers low, fixed rates on home equity loans with $0 appraisal fees and $0 costs due at closing.  

Home equity loan appraisal process

There are several different types of home appraisals that a lender may choose to use. Some are cheaper, faster, and easier to obtain than others. Your lender decides which appraisal method they will use to determine the current market value of your home.

The AVM: the fastest, easiest appraisal for home equity loans

Automated valuation model (AVM) is a mathematical modeling technique that contrasts local property values and sales data to uncover a property’s expected market price. The estimates you see on popular real estate sites are examples of AVM assessments. Discover Home Loans uses an AVM when calculating an appraisal for home equity loans.

How AVM works

An AVM pulls historical MLS data to uncover recent and historical average and median home sales data, as well as broader neighborhood information culled from income trends, nearby points of interest, and the ratio of owner-occupied versus investor-owned properties.

The amount of available residential real estate data has exploded in recent years, particularly as more and more information is available online. This means data aggregators and artificial intelligence algorithms have access to home-valuing information in real time and can make appraisal adjustments as new homes are bought and sold. This robust supply of time-sensitive data can sometimes replace the need for a full or walk-through appraisal requiring an interior inspection of the property that can add time and costs to the process.

The AVM is a fast and easy way to value a home.  This makes it possible for a homeowner to find out how much can be borrowed, sometimes in just a few seconds.

Though without the ability to capture incremental information, you may want to have an extra conversation with your lender if special or unique qualities about your home could add significant equity.

To make sure your home is valued as favorably as possible, dig into your neighborhood’s data on the major online realtor sites or access your town’s public property records. Examine properties comparable to your and prepare to discuss undocumented trends that you notice with your lender.

The drive-by hybrid appraisal offers a middle ground

Falling somewhere in between an AVM and walk-through appraisal, is a hybrid, called a drive-by appraisal. The method is officially known as a broker’s price opinion (BPO). It uses a combination of both valuation types. With a BPO, an appraiser will pull up to your home and take exterior photos to assess the condition of your property and neighborhood.

This method is generally faster than the walk-through appraisal, but not as swift as the AVM method since it still takes time to schedule an appraiser’s appointment and wait for the report. A drive-by may establish an estimated value of a property, but it’s not as thorough as an interior appraisal of a home, as it’s generally based on the view from the street.

If you’re expecting a drive-by appraisal, consider boosting your home’s curb appeal by trimming hedges, planting flowers, and even re-painting or replacing a front door before the appraisal is conducted.

A walkthrough appraisal’s comprehensive approach

The most conservative lenders will require a full home appraisal for a home equity loan despite the expensive and time-consuming process. Just like when you first purchased your home, this method requires you to pay for an appraiser approved by your mortgage lender. This professional will identify your home’s specific upgrades, deficiencies and condition compared to neighboring homes.

The upside is that an appraiser can take note of any upgrades you’ve made on the home and can easily include the value of each in your appraisal report, as well as do a more comprehensive review of your entire property. You should plan to be home during the appraiser’s assessment, so you can answer questions and offer additional information. The entire appraisal report is often prepared within a week.

Be sure to declutter the inside, make any necessary home repairs and enhance your curb appeal before the appraiser arrives. If you’re really looking to boost value, consider home renovations that have a high cost-to-value ratio—master suite additions and major kitchen remodels typically enhance resale value the most.

LEARN MORE: Understanding the home appraisal report

Understanding the home equity loan appraisal path to success

Navigating home equity loan appraisals doesn’t have to be daunting. By understanding the process and taking proactive steps to present your home in the best light possible, you may be able to maximize the equity you have available. So whether you’re eyeing a home renovation project or seeking some financial flexibility, home equity loans might be a powerful tool for unlocking the value stored in your home.

Please note: Discover Home Loans offers home equity loans and mortgage refinance opportunities, but does not offer HELOCs. 

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Discover Home Loans Restrictions and Details

We do not lend in IA or MD. You are not guaranteed approval. Once you apply and submit your credit and property information, we will confirm your eligibility. We don’t lend on cooperatives, condotels, investment properties, log homes, manufactured homes, mobile homes, or secondary homes. We will only originate one 1st lien mortgage per property per 12-month period. The maximum loan amount you qualify for will depend on additional factors, including type of loan, lien position, loan-to-value and your credit history. We may change rates, program terms, and conditions without notice. Discover Card accounts may not be paid off with this home loan. All loan programs are offered by Discover Bank, 2500 Lake Cook Road, Riverwoods, IL 60015. NMLS ID 684042.


Loan Payment Example Disclosure

For example, if you borrowed $60,000 for a 20 year term at 8.86% APR, your fixed monthly payments would be $534.45.