Overdraft Protection provides a link between your Discover accounts (checking, money market, and/or savings accounts) that transfers funds to help avoid the incovenience of returned items and insufficient funds. When you enroll your account in Discover's no fee Overdraft Protection, you will designate one account (funding account) to cover eligible transactions in another account (protected account) that would otherwise be returned unpaid.
Overdraft Protection covers:
- ACH transfers initiated at another bank
- Checks you write
- Online bill payments
It does not cover transactions such as:
- ACH transfers initiated at Discover
- ATM transactions
- Debit card transactions
- Payments made with Zelle®
- Wire transfers
See the Overdraft Protection Service Agreement for complete details.
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.