Try our debt consolidation calculator

See what your debt consolidation loan interest rate could be when you consolidate higher-interest debt with a personal loan.

Enter your credit score, and a few details for each debt balance you hold (up to a total of x) — and we'll show you how much you might be able to save.


Debt Entry #
Debt Entry #

Here's what you told us

Your Credit

Total Debt

Average APR

Total Monthly Payments

Here's how we can help

Save Money

Less Interest
Save Time

Sooner Payoff

This estimate maintains your current monthly payment for a term at APR with a total loan cost of .

Rates are calculated based on Discover application data as of 2/25/2025.

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We're unable to provide an estimate

Based on the information you entered, consolidating debt with us may not save you money. Feel free to give us a call to speak with a dedicated loan specialist if you have additional questions or would like to explore other options.

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Need to borrow more? Discover® Home Loans offers home equity loans between $35,000 and $300,000 (2nd Lien).

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Debt consolidation loans basics

  • Why consolidate debt
    • We can pay many creditors directly, and you'll manage just one set regular monthly payment each month
    • Save on higher-rate interest with a lower debt consolidation rate
  • How debt consolidation works
    • Choose your amount and term with help from the calculator above
    • Apply for a debt consolidation loan at a lower interest rate
    • At least 70% of the funds must go directly to creditors, many of which we can pay directly. Choose which creditors you want to pay, and the rest can go to your bank account.
  • What debt consolidation means
    • Combine and simplify multiple debts into one easier-to-manage loan
    • Debt consolidation means fewer payments each month
  • Eliminate debt faster
    • Less of your money is paid toward interest, which means more money in your pocket
    • Choose to pay down your principal sooner on your path to being debt-free

How we calculate our ratings

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Frequently asked debt consolidation loan questions

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