Nov 16, 2023
10 tips for finding college internships

7 min. Read
Wondering how to land an internship as a college student? Use these tips from Discover Student Loans to learn how to get an internship in college.
Practical information on studying, improving your grades, being productive, and beyond.
Learn how to pick freshman college classes. Discover Student Loans shares advice and tips for picking college classes freshman year.
Learn how enrolling in two colleges at once can save you money and time. Dual enrolling in community college and a four-year university may be right for you. Discover Student Loans outlines the benefits.
Find out how to focus on studying and enhance your productivity. Learn how to avoid distractions and you'll get more done in less time.
Have an interview coming up? Discover Student Loans shares questions to ask in an interview to determine whether the company you're applying to is a good fit.
Read MoreAcademics
Wondering how to land an internship as a college student? Use these tips from Discover Student Loans to learn how to get an internship in college.
Interested in multiple academic options? Learn about dual degrees versus double majors, their benefits, and which is right for you with advice from Discover Student Loans.
Interested in studying abroad? Discover Student Loans covers how to study abroad in college, types of programs, what to look for, and how to pay.
Enter to win a $5,000 scholarship for school.
Online classes are becoming a popular option. It's important for students to understand these pros & cons of online learning, outlined by Discover Student Loans.
Learn how to improve reading comprehension by applying these reading skills to your college studies.
Find out how to be productive in college using these approaches to your daily life. Here are some tips to help you be more productive during the day.
Learn how to pick freshman college classes. Discover Student Loans shares advice and tips for picking college classes freshman year.
As a college student, you'll need to do a lot of studying. Here is an infographic with studying tips for college that can help make the most of your study time.
Find out how to focus on studying and enhance your productivity. Learn how to avoid distractions and you'll get more done in less time.
Learn how enrolling in two colleges at once can save you money and time. Dual enrolling in community college and a four-year university may be right for you. Discover Student Loans outlines the benefits.
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