Discover Student Loans
Discover Student Loans

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  • Remind your college student that they are loved and missed by crafting the perfect care package.
  • Practical care package ideas include the essentials like toiletries, medicine, and cleaning supplies.
  • Personalize the care package with your student’s favorite snacks, homemade treats, and gift cards to their favorite places on campus.

When your student goes off to college, they will miss you—even if they won't admit it. Sending college care packages is a great (and subtle) way to show your college student how much you miss them. Common care package items can include their favorite treats, gift cards, and even extra socks and supplies. A care package can also be a boon when your student—who may just be learning how to manage their budget—runs out of essentials.

From the practical to the playful, here are some great college care package ideas to help you get inspired:

  • Items for the medicine cabinet
  • Food and snacks to fill up their dorm room cache
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Gift cards for a special treat
  • Baked goods to remind them of home
  • Presents and decorations to mark birthdays and holidays

The ultimate care package guide

Going away to college can be tough on both the students and parents. Remind your college student that they are loved and missed by crafting the perfect care package.



The medicine cabinet

  • Toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, and razor blades: essentials tend to run out when money is tightest.
  • Tissues, cough drops, and cold medicine: in case your kid becomes sick.
  • Band aids, antiseptic cream, and other first-aid supplies: if the need arises.



The pantry

  • Soup-in-a-cup, instant oatmeal, and other dorm-friendly foods: to fulfill more than one craving.
  • Hot chocolate, tea, instant coffee, and drink fixings: to keep warm and awake.
  • Trail mix, dark chocolate, and other snacks: to keep the brain energized during long study sessions.



The cleanup

  • Disposable multi-surface wipes: for general dorm upkeep.
  • Paper towels and napkins: for mess prevention.
  • Scented air fresheners: for keeping their room smelling fresh.


gift card

The gift card

  • Pre-paid debit cards: for the occasional iced coffee treat or dinner out.
  • Gift cards for the college store: to help pay for books and other study materials.


bake sale

The bake sale

  • Homemade baked treats: to indulge their sweet tooth.
  • Treats from your hometown: to remind your student of home.



The festivities

  • Birthday packages: to make your student feel loved on their special day.
  • Small seasonal decorations: to help give the dorm room a homey feel.


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